lundi 30 novembre 2009

Anna's dress/la robe d'Anna

It has been a while since I have posted is the reason.
It is Anna's birthday present (it took me a while to make it, but it's nearly finished!)
I am sorry for the poor quality of the picture, but Pascal is away for work in the US, and he took his camera to bring back nice pictures ;), so I used my phone!
I hope you will like my first try for a corselet wasn't easy to do, as I've never been studying sewing, but I hope to start in september...

Je n'ai rien posté depuis un petit bout de en voici la raison.
C'est le cadeau d'anniversaire d'Anna (ça m'a pris du temps, mais c'est presque fini!).
je suis désolée pour la mauvaise qualité de la photo, mais Pascal est parti aux US pour le travail avec son appareil , pour rapporter de belles photos, donc j'ai utilisé mon téléphone!
J'espère que vous aimerez mon premier essai pour une robe corset...ça n'était pas très facile, car je n'ai jamais étudié la couture, mais j'espère commencer en septembre!

dimanche 11 octobre 2009

Just to remind you how she looked like...

It was the first "flawed" drawing I made for Illustration friday...
so you can see how the character evolved; the full drawing is in the previous page :)

La première illustration de "Flawed" que j'ai faite pour Illustration Friday...
comme ça vous pouvez voir comment le personnage a évolué; vous pouvez trouver le dessin en entier en page précédente.

(Alain et Yveline, j'ai écrit en Français!!!mais en général je ne le ferai pas pour les gros pavés, ça prend encore plus de temps ;D)

Flawed shop's owner sketches...

Here are some quick sketches I made while looking at some stupid stuff with Pascal,and sipping a good grog...
Now , the owner looks less severe. Before she was maybe too much like out of "little house" character, or too much of a holy mary...heehee
She also has a more mischievious smile, which suits better to a woman who likes selling flawed items. I will try to make some color drawings tomorrow.

Voilà quelques croquis que j'ai faits en regardant des séries débiles avec Pascal, tout en sirottant un bon grog...
Maintenant, la propriétaire de la boutique a l'air un peu moins sortie de la petite maison dans la prairie, ou moins grenouille de bénitier.
Elle a aussi un sourire plus mutin, ce qui sied mieux à une femme qui aime vendre des objets imparfaits. J'essaierai de faire quelques dessins en couleur demain.

Nighty night! Liz

A sunday afternoon in a cemetery...

Today was a really quiet day, and we've decided with Pascal to draw somewhere...initially, we were thinking about going to Brocéliande, but today, we were surrounded by barriers, as " Tout Rennes court" racers have invaded our quarter...
No escape was possible with a car, so we just ended up going to the Saint Martin Cemetery in Rennes, to draw some graves. I was also thinking about doing it in order to get some ideas for a contest...
We were quite surprized to see many people were here. This cemetery is quite interresting, there are many celtic crosses, some really wacky tombs (kind of too much), and much more creepy ones, with hands coming out of the floor...we were thinking about drawing it but it was way too creepy. We wended up sitting in an alley, to draw the vault you can see on this drawing.
We stopped at one moment, at the weather was changing pretty quickly, and the afternoon was becoming windy!
Now, time for a good grog and a hot meal!

vendredi 18 septembre 2009

Bluesman at Gazebo's cafe, New Orleans

A very great Blues Gig at Gazebo's cafe, it was great to rest in a cool outside place after drawing for a few hours in the sun! loved the quiet atmosphere there,and so much the drinks with lots of icecubes :)
Un très bon concert de Blues au Gazebo Café, c'était vraiment agreéable de se reposer dans un endroit aéré après des heures à dessiner sous le soleil! on a adoré l'atmosphere calme, et vraiment les boissons avec plein de glaçons!

Gazebo's café, New Orleans

New orleans...Nouvelle-Orleans

Nous nous sommes assis avec Pascal sur de grands escaliers, en face d'un parc, où se garent les calèches...

Drawing in Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport/ croquis à l'aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle

mardi 30 juin 2009

First try for my Etsy banner!

well, not exactly, I remade the drawing many times XD
I want to make something much better,and the clouds to be seen much more...maybe a darker paper?
anyway, let's work!

jeudi 18 juin 2009

Harry Potter's train sketches...

Yesterday, Harry potter's train stopped in Rennes Railway Station!
As a good Potter head, I had the chance to visit it...
It was really interresting, there were some reconstructed sceneries, costumes, wands, and even Hedwig the howl (who was so warm , like her master, as the sun was shinning brightly ...).
here are some drawings I made from the quick sketches... (which were TRUELY abominable!).

Ps: thanks to the Harry Potter train and the people who made it!

lundi 4 mai 2009

Thabor Garden...

it took me quite a while to draw again, as I've had meetings about "enterprise creation"!
it seems I will have to do a lot (mostly earning a huge amount of money, to open "Au dragon buveur de thé). Now the concept is clear, and I've created a good amount of seasonnal recipes, and some permanent ;D...I keep the details secret, until it finally opens ( let's cross fingers!).

So, about drawing, yesterday I've been going to Thabor with Pascal, as he wants me to teach him how to draw (he will teach me how to fight as a payment). It was a premiere, and I'm happy my "student" was so motivated and concentrated!
I will not say I'm a teacher, it's most like we shared a wonderful time drawing together and gave a few tips"-(even if I should ask some first >_<)
it was really refreshing and motivating, because I love drawing with people who do so!
Pascal doesn't want to post something until he is satisfied, but I hope you will see his drawings later ;)

so here is mine, and I need a lot of practice too, and being really attentive, and rigorous like Pascal...

lundi 30 mars 2009


It has been a while since I have posted my first blog! pretty lame I know!
I have been reading Cécile's blog yesterday (, please check it, it made me think a lot about my lack of motivation about art lately, and I will do my best to work more to be a better illustrator,and mostly, find again my passion for drawing!
so thank you Cécile for your blog, and again, i hope you will be able to come over so we can draw together!
Today I've also been talking with Anna, and we've finally decided the subject of our upcoming exhibition!
that's it for today, see you soon, Liz

mercredi 11 février 2009

Illustration friday: Flawed

I subscribed to Illustration Friday, thanks to Cécile ( you are always motivating me to draw ;) )...
I got that idea while I was reading "American gods" from Neil Gaiman...
the shop owner is herself flawed, as she has freckles and walleyes...I think this drawing will be developped into a book project! so there's more to follow...
have a good day, Liz